24 Hours Nursing Patients Report

24 Hours Nursing Patients Report

I. Patient Overview

Patient Name: [Patient's Name]
Date of Admission: June 18, 2050
Attending Physician: Dr. Troy D. Williams
Room Number: 302
Primary Diagnosis: Pneumonia

A. Condition Summary

Medical History: The patient has a history of asthma and seasonal allergies.

Current Condition: Stable with occasional coughing.

Vital Signs:

  • Temperature: 98.6°F

  • Heart Rate: 82 bpm

  • Blood Pressure: 120/80 mmHg

B. Nursing Assessment

  • Neurological: Alert and oriented x3.

  • Cardiovascular: Regular heart rhythm, no murmurs.

  • Respiratory: Breath sounds clear; cough is productive.

  • Gastrointestinal: Bowel sounds normal in all quadrants.

C. Nursing Interventions

Medications Administered:

  • Antibiotics: Azithromycin 500 mg IV q24h

  • Bronchodilator: Albuterol, 2 puffs q4h PRN

Treatment Plan:

  • Respiratory therapy every 6 hours.

Nutritional Support:

  • Regular diet, encourage fluids.

II. Nursing Care Plan

A. Nursing Diagnosis

Priority: Impaired Gas Exchange related to pneumonia.


  • Improve oxygenation levels.

  • Decrease cough frequency.

B. Interventions

  1. Physical Care:

    • Encourage deep breathing exercises.

    • Monitor oxygen saturation levels.

  2. Emotional Support:

    • Provide reassurance and explain procedures.

  3. Patient Education:

    • Educate on the importance of respiratory hygiene.

III. Progress Notes

A. Shift Change Report

Evening Shift (June 18, 2050):

  • The patient was admitted with a productive cough and started on antibiotics.

Night Shift (June 18–19, 2050):

  • Their vital signs were stable, and they responded well to bronchodilator therapy.

B. 24-Hour Summary

General Observations:

  • The patient remains stable, and coughing is less frequent.

Nursing Response:

  • Increased respiratory assessments due to productive cough.

IV. Discharge Planning

A. Discharge Goals

Expected Discharge Date: June 20, 2050


  • Continue taking antibiotics at home for the prescribed duration.

  • Follow-up with primary care physician in one week.

B. Follow-Up Care

Post-Discharge Care Plan:

  • Provide discharge instructions and medication schedule.

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