Food Safety Internal Audit Report

Food Safety Internal Audit Report


Audited By:

Audit Date:



January 15, 2050

I. Executive Summary

This Food Safety Internal Audit was carried out to ensure that all applicable food safety regulations are being adhered to and to identify specific areas within the company where improvements can be made.

II. Audit Scope and Objectives

A. Scope

The comprehensive examination carried out in this audit encompasses every aspect and phase involved in the preparation, storage, and serving of food within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. It includes a detailed assessment of all procedures, protocols, and practices related to these processes to ensure they meet the required standards and regulations.

B. Objectives

  1. Ensure compliance with food safety regulations.

  2. Identify potential food safety risks.

  3. Assess the effectiveness of current food safety practices.

  4. Recommend improvements to enhance food safety.

III. Methodology

The audit was conducted using a combination of observations, interviews, and document reviews. Key areas of focus included:

  1. Food Handling and Preparation

  2. Storage and Inventory Management

  3. Cleaning and Sanitation

  4. Staff Training and Hygiene Practices

  5. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements

IV. Findings and Observations

A. Food Handling and Preparation


  • Proper use of gloves and utensils was observed.

  • Inconsistent use of temperature logs for cooked foods.


  • Ensure all staff consistently use temperature logs for all cooked foods.

  • Conduct regular training on proper food handling techniques.

B. Storage and Inventory Management


  • Storage areas were organized and clean.

  • Expired products are found in the freezer.


  • Implement a FIFO (First In, First Out) inventory system.

  • Regularly check and discard expired products.

V. Action Plan

An action plan is provided below to address the recommendations:


Action Required

Responsible Person


Ensure all staff consistently use temperature logs for all cooked foods.

Implement training sessions and weekly audits to check compliance.

Kitchen Supervisor

By February 15, 2050

Implement a FIFO inventory system.

Train staff on FIFO techniques and perform monthly inventory audits.

Inventory Manager

By March 1, 2050

VI. Conclusion

The audit identified several strengths in [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s food safety practices, including clean and organized storage areas and proper use of gloves and utensils. However, some areas require improvements, such as the use of temperature logs and inventory management. Implementing the recommendations provided in this report will help enhance food safety and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

VII. Appendices

  • Appendix A: Audit Checklist

  • Appendix B: Interview Notes

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