School After-School Schedule

School After-School Schedule

Welcome to our School After-School Schedule! Explore diverse activities designed to enrich learning, foster creativity, and promote personal growth. Refer to this schedule to join engaging sessions tailored to your interests and enhance your educational journey beyond the regular school day.

Monday to Friday


Activity Category

Activity Description



Responsible Staff


Academic Enrichment

Math Tutoring

Room 101




Drawing and Painting Club

Art Studio



Sports and Recreation

Basketball Practice





Robotics Club

Science Lab



Social and Emotional Learning

Peer Support Group

Counseling Office



  • Academic Enrichment: Provides additional support and challenges in core subjects like math and science.

  • Arts: Offers creative outlets through drawing, painting, drama, and other artistic endeavors.

  • Sports and Recreation: Promotes physical activity, team sports, and skill development.

  • STEM: Focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math through clubs and workshops.

  • Social and Emotional Learning: Includes peer support groups and activities to enhance interpersonal skills.

  • Rotating Activities: Different activities on different days provide variety and cater to diverse interests.

  • Responsible Staff: Each activity is supervised by qualified teachers or coaches to ensure safety and engagement.

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