Free AB Testing Report Template



Free AB Testing Report Template

AB Testing Report

Prepared by:

Date of Testing:

[Your Name]

July 20, 2050

I. Introduction

This AB Testing Report aims to present the findings and analysis of the AB test conducted from May 1, 2050, to June 1, 2050. This report will cover the test objectives, methodologies, execution details, and outcomes to provide a comprehensive understanding of the AB test conducted.

II. Test Objectives

The primary objectives of this AB test were:

  1. To compare the performance of two different versions of the homepage layout to determine which one performs better.

  2. To gather data-driven insights that can inform future development and marketing strategies.

III. Test Scope

This AB test encompassed the following elements:

  • Target Audience: Users aged 18-35

  • Test Duration: One month

  • Platforms: Web and Mobile

IV. Test Methodology

A. Test Design

Two versions, A and B, were deployed. Version A served as the control group, while Version B was the test variation.

B. Metrics for Evaluation

The key performance indicators (KPIs) measured include:

  • Conversion Rate

  • Click-Through Rate

  • Bounce Rate

V. Test Execution

A. Test Setup

The test was set up using Google Optimize and executed from May 1, 2050, to June 1, 2050.

B. Data Collection

Data was collected and validated continuously to ensure accuracy and reliability.

VI. Test Summary


Conversion Rate

Click-Through Rate

Bounce Rate

Version A




Version B




VII. Defect Summary

Defect ID





Broken link on the landing page




Misaligned buttons on mobile view


In Progress

VIII. Analysis and Interpretation

The data indicates that Version B outperformed Version A in all key metrics. The conversion rate improved by 0.8%, the click-through rate increased by 3.3%, and the bounce rate decreased by 5.6%. This suggests a strong positive impact of the changes introduced in Version B.

IX. Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on the results, it is recommended to:

  • Adopt Version B as the new standard for the homepage layout.

  • Further analyze the components of Version B to identify what changes specifically led to the improved performance.

  • Consider rolling out additional similar tests to continue optimizing user experience and engagement.

X. Appendices

  • Appendix A: Test Design Details

  • Appendix B: Raw Data

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