Free Disciplinary Investigation Report Template



Free Disciplinary Investigation Report Template

Disciplinary Investigation Report

Reported on: January 10, 2050

I. Executive Summary

This report presents the findings and conclusions of the disciplinary investigation conducted at [Your Company Name]. The objective of this investigation is to examine the reported incident involving Elijah Nelson and determine whether there were any breaches of company policies or misconduct.

II. Background

1. Incident Summary

On January 1, 2050, a complaint was filed alleging that Elijah Nelson, an employee of [Your Company Name], engaged in unprofessional behavior during working hours. The specific allegations included inappropriate language and unauthorized use of company property.

2. Investigative Team

The investigation was conducted by the following team members:

  • [Your Name] - Lead Investigator

  • Lily Carter - HR Manager

  • Robert Johnson - Legal Advisor

III. Scope of Investigation

The investigation focused on the following areas:

  • Reviewing the incident report filed by the complainant.

  • Interviewing relevant witnesses and the accused employee.

  • Examining relevant company policies and previous disciplinary records.

IV. Methodology

1. Evidence Collection

Evidence was collected through various means, including:

  • Interviews with the complainant, witnesses, and the accused.

  • Review of security camera footage.

  • Analysis of company email and internet usage logs.

2. Interview Summaries



Date Interviewed


Elijah Nelson

Accused Employee

January 2, 2050

Denied all allegations and stated comments were misinterpreted.

Lily Carter


January 3, 2050

Claimed inappropriate language was directed towards her.

V. Findings

1. Policy Violations

Based on the evidence gathered, the following company policies were found to have been violated:

  • Use of Inappropriate Language - Company Policy 3.1

  • Unauthorized Use of Property - Company Policy 4.2

2. Witness Credibility

All witnesses were found to be credible, with consistent testimonies supporting the allegations.

VI. Conclusions

The investigation concluded that the allegations against Elijah Nelson were substantiated. The inappropriate behavior and unauthorized use of company property were confirmed through multiple sources of evidence.

VII. Recommendations

It is recommended that the following actions be taken:

  • Issue a formal written warning to Elijah Nelson.

  • Mandate participation in a professional conduct training program.

  • Reiterate company policies during the next staff meeting.

VIII. Appendices

Appendix 1. Evidence Register

Evidence Type


Collected Date

Complaint Report

Initial complaint filed by Jane Smith

January 1, 2050

Video Footage

Security camera footage from January 1, 2050

January 2, 2050

Appendix 2. Interview Transcripts

Full transcripts of the interviews conducted are available upon request and are stored securely in the HR department.

Appendix 3. Relevant Policies

A copy of the relevant company policies that were violated is included. These policies are available for review on the [Your Company Name] intranet or by contacting the HR department.

IX. Contact Information

For any inquiries or further information regarding this report, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email].

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