Free Vacation Handover Report Template



Free Vacation Handover Report Template

Vacation Handover Report

Project Name: Regional Marketing Campaign

Prepared By: [Your Name]

Company Name: [Your Company Name]

Handover To: John Doe

Date: December 1, 2050

I. Introduction

This report is prepared to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities during my vacation period. The details provided herein will help the assigned team member to manage ongoing tasks and responsibilities effectively, ensuring that no critical tasks are left unattended.

II. Contact Information

A. Outgoing Employee

Name: [Your Name]

Email: [Your Email]

B. Main Contact During Absence

Name: John Doe


III. Current Projects and Status

Please find below a detailed listing of ongoing projects and their current status.



Next Steps

Regional Marketing Campaign

In Progress - 50% completed

Finalize the digital advertisements and set the publishing schedule.

Website Redesign

Pending - Awaiting client feedback

Follow up with the client for feedback on the initial designs.

IV. Key Contacts

Below are the key contacts that may be needed during my absence.

Contact Person


Contact Information

Jane Smith

IT Department

Bob Brown

HR Department

V. Important Dates and Deadlines

  • December 5, 2050: Submit final ad copies for the marketing campaign.

  • December 10, 2050: Follow up with web design client for feedback.

  • December 12, 2050: Attend project status meeting with team.

VI. Additional Notes

In case of any urgent issues, please feel free to reach out to me via my personal email, [Your Email], or contact John Doe directly.

VII. Conclusion

I appreciate your attention to these details while I'm away. I am confident that the shared information will help in maintaining the continuity of ongoing work, and I look forward to reconnecting and reviewing the developments upon my return.


[Your Name]

Date: December 1, 2050

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