Customer Service Incident Report

Customer Service Incident Report

I. Incident Overview

Date of Incident: June 20, 2050
Report Prepared By: [Your Name]
Service Provider: [Your Company Name]
Email: [Your Company Email]
Customer Name: John Doe
Incident Location: 123 Elm Street, San Diego, CA

2. Incident Description

On June 20, 2050, at approximately 2:00 PM, customer John Doe reported an issue with his recently installed air conditioning unit. The unit was making unusual noises and was not cooling effectively. The customer expressed frustration due to the inconvenience caused by the malfunction.

3. Actions Taken


Action Description

2:30 PM

Dispatched service technician to customer's location.

3:00 PM

Technician arrived and conducted initial assessment.

3:30 PM

Identified loose component in the air conditioning unit.

4:00 PM

Repaired loose component and tested unit functionality.

4. Findings

The issue was caused by a loose fan blade within the air conditioning unit, which had likely become dislodged during transportation. This resulted in both the noise and the reduced cooling efficiency.

5. Customer Feedback

The customer expressed relief that the issue was resolved promptly and appreciated the quick response time. However, they noted that the initial malfunction was inconvenient and suggested more rigorous quality checks prior to installation.

6. Recommendations

  1. Implement additional quality control measures during the installation process to prevent similar issues.

  2. Follow up with the customer after one week to ensure continued satisfaction and functionality of the unit.

  3. Provide the customer with a discount on their next service as a gesture of goodwill.

7. Conclusion

The incident was resolved swiftly and to the customer’s satisfaction. By enhancing quality control procedures and maintaining strong communication with the customer, [Your Company Name] can prevent similar incidents and improve overall customer satisfaction.

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