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Construction Site Cleaning Schedule

Construction Site Cleaning Schedule

Prepared by: [Your Name]


This Construction Site Cleaning Schedule outlines the weekly cleaning plan for [Your Company Name]'s construction site located at [Your Company Address]. The schedule is designed to ensure that all areas of the site are regularly cleaned and maintained to promote a safe and productive working environment for our team.

Please refer to the following details for the week beginning Date: Monday, January 2, 2050.

Weekly Cleaning Plan


  • Tasks: Dust control in all work areas.

  • Responsible Person: John Doe

  • Equipment Needed: Dust masks, brooms, dustpans.


  • Tasks: Restroom sanitation and disinfection.

  • Responsible Person: Jane Smith

  • Equipment Needed: Disinfectant cleaner, gloves, mop.


  • Tasks: Trash removal from site premises.

  • Responsible Person: Mark Johnson

  • Equipment Needed: Trash bags, gloves.


  • Tasks: Floor sweeping and mopping in main construction areas.

  • Responsible Person: Emily Brown

  • Equipment Needed: Mop bucket, floor cleaner, mops.


  • Tasks: Final inspection and preparation for weekend activities.

  • Responsible Person: Site Supervisor

  • Equipment Needed: Inspection checklist, safety vests.


  • All cleaning tasks must be completed by the end of each workday to ensure site cleanliness and safety.

  • Coordinate with subcontractors for specialized cleaning requirements as needed.

  • Report any safety hazards or cleanliness concerns to the Site Supervisor immediately.

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