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Product Launch Event Schedule

Product Launch Event Schedule

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]

This Product Launch Event Schedule is designed for Timeline Management purposes and outlines the key activities and timings for the launch of NexGen Spark by [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Please refer to the schedule below for details:



Event Date

June 15, 2055


Grand Event Center

4907 Village View Drive, Naples, FL 33962





9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Registration and Welcome Coffee

Guests arrive and register. Welcome coffee and refreshments provided at reception.

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Opening Remarks

CEO, Andrew Child, welcomes attendees, introduces NexGen Spark, and sets the event's tone.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Product Presentation and Demonstration

Lead developers showcase NexGen Spark, highlighting features and technological advancements. Live demonstrations for audience engagement.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Q&A Session

Interactive session with the product development team. Attendees ask questions about product functionality, design, and future updates.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Networking Lunch

Networking opportunity for guests to discuss insights, network, and enjoy lunch.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Media Interviews and Product Reviews

Scheduled interviews with journalists and influencers. Product demonstrations and reviews conducted.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Keynote Address

Renowned industry expert delivers keynote on technological innovation and the significance of NexGen Spark.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Closing Remarks and Thank You Note

CEO, Andrew Child, concludes the event, thanking attendees, partners, and sponsors for their support and participation.


  • Ensure all AV equipment is tested and functioning properly before the event. Conduct technical rehearsals.

  • Assign staff to assist with registration and provide directions within the venue.

  • Prepare promotional materials like brochures and branded giveaways for media and attendees.

  • Review the event timeline with speakers and presenters in advance.

  • Coordinate with catering for dietary preferences and allergies during lunch.

Please feel free to contact [YOUR NAME] at [YOUR EMAIL] or [YOUR COMPANY NAME] at [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER] for any further inquiries. Visit our website at [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE] and follow us on social media at [YOUR COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA] for updates and live coverage of the launch event.

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