Free Incident Report Template



Free Incident Report Template


Prepared by: [Your Name]

Report Number: IR-2050-001

Date of Report: August 28, 2054

Incident Date: August 27, 2054

Time of Incident: 10:30 AM

Location: Manufacturing Floor, Section B, [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

I. Incident Description

On August 27, 2054, at approximately 10:30 AM, an accident occurred on the manufacturing floor in Section B of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Employee Lyda Fadel was injured while operating the automated packaging machine. The machine experienced a malfunction, causing the safety guard to jam and leading to Lydas left hand being caught in the mechanism.

II. Involved Parties

  • Injured Party: Lyda Fadel, Production Line Worker

  • Witnesses: Lawrence Orn, Production Supervisor; Rocky Orn, Co-Worker

  • Responding Personnel: [YOUR NAME], Safety Officer; Dr. Sigmund Corwin, On-site Medical Officer

III. Immediate Actions Taken

  • The machine was immediately shut down to prevent further injury.

  • Sarah Williams was provided first aid by Dr. Sigmund Corwin and was subsequently transported to the nearest hospital for further evaluation.

  • A preliminary investigation was conducted to assess the cause of the malfunction and to ensure that the safety mechanisms were functioning correctly.

  • The affected area was cordoned off to prevent unauthorized access.

IV. Cause of Incident

The initial investigation indicates that the accident was caused by a malfunction in the safety guard mechanism of the automated packaging machine. The malfunction appears to have been due to inadequate maintenance, which resulted in the guard becoming misaligned and causing the machine to operate unsafely.

V. Injury Details

  • Type of Injury: Crush injury to the left hand

  • Severity: Moderate; Lyda Fadel suffered fractures in two fingers and required surgery.

  • Medical Treatment: Lyda was admitted to the hospital for surgical intervention and is expected to undergo a rehabilitation period of 6-8 weeks.

VI. Follow-Up Actions

  • Immediate Repairs: The malfunctioning machine will be repaired, and all safety guards will be inspected and tested for proper function.

  • Maintenance Review: A comprehensive review of maintenance procedures and schedules will be conducted to prevent similar incidents in the future.

  • Training: Refresher training on machine safety and emergency procedures will be provided to all employees working with automated machinery.

  • Review and Report: A detailed review of the incident will be conducted, and a full report will be prepared with recommendations for safety improvements.

VII. Preventive Measures

  • Maintenance Protocol: Implementation of a stricter maintenance protocol with regular inspections of all safety equipment.

  • Safety Audits: Increased frequency of safety audits to ensure compliance with operational standards.

  • Employee Awareness: Enhancement of safety training programs to include more detailed procedures for handling machine malfunctions.

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