Free Claim Adjustment Letter Format Template



Free Claim Adjustment Letter Format Template

Claim Adjustment Letter Format



Laredo, TX 78040


222 555 7777

September 20, 2078

Tom Walter
Irving, TX 75038

Subject: Adjustment of Claim No. 987654

Dear Mr. Walter,

We are writing in response to the insurance claim you submitted on August 30, 2078, concerning the damages to your property at Irving, TX 75038 under policy number 12345678. After conducting a detailed review of the claim and supporting documentation, we have made an adjustment to the total amount reimbursable under your policy.

Adjustment Details:

Following an inspection of the damage and a review of your homeowner’s insurance policy, it was determined that while the majority of the damage to your roof and interior is covered, there are exclusions that apply to the claim. Specifically, the policy does not cover damages caused by pre-existing wear and tear or structural issues that were not addressed prior to the storm.

As a result, we are approving coverage for the roof damage caused directly by the storm, amounting to $8,500. However, the estimated repair costs for the interior water damage ($3,000) have been denied, as this was determined to be the result of prolonged structural issues not related to the incident.

Further Action Required:

To process the approved portion of your claim, no further documentation is needed at this time. The payment of $8,500 will be processed and sent to your provided bank account within the next 7 business days.

Next Steps and Appeal Process:

If you disagree with this adjustment or believe additional information should be considered, you may file an appeal. Please submit any further documentation or evidence that may support your claim, such as inspection reports or repair estimates. Appeals must be filed within 30 days from the date of this letter. Our customer service team is available to assist you with the appeal process if needed.

Closing Remarks:

We understand that dealing with property damage can be stressful, and we apologize for any inconvenience this adjustment may cause. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our claims team at [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER] or [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] We are committed to resolving this matter to your satisfaction.


Claims Adjuster


  • Copy of your policy with relevant sections highlighted

  • Inspection report

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