Free Simple Harassment Investigation Report Template



Free Simple Harassment Investigation Report Template

Simple Harassment Investigation Report

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Company: [Your Company Name]
Date: August 2, 2050


This report outlines the findings of a harassment investigation conducted in response to a complaint received on August 1, 2050. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the validity of the claims made and to provide recommendations for resolution.

Incident Overview



Complainant Name

Jane Doe

Complainant Position

Marketing Specialist

Complainant Department


Accused Name

John Smith

Accused Position

Sales Manager

Date of Incident

July 30, 2050

Location of Incident

Office Break Room

Nature of Complaint

Unwanted sexual comments made by John during a team meeting and in the break room, make Jane feel uncomfortable and humiliated.

Investigation Process


The investigation included the following steps:

  • Interviews: Conducted interviews with the complainant, the accused, and witnesses present during the alleged incidents.

  • Documentation Review: Reviewed relevant documents, including emails and notes from the team meeting.

  • Site Visit: Conducted a site visit to the break room where the incident was reported to understand the environment.

Interviews Conducted

  • Complainant Interview: Jane stated that during the team meeting, John made comments about her appearance and suggested she should wear certain types of clothing to the office. She expressed feeling uncomfortable and humiliated by these remarks.

  • Accused Interview: John acknowledged making comments but claimed they were intended as jokes and not meant to be offensive. He expressed surprise at the complaint.

  • Witnesses Interviewed: Three team members were interviewed. Two corroborated Jane's account of the comments made during the meeting, while the third felt the remarks were inappropriate.


Based on the interviews and evidence collected, the following findings were made:

  • Jane’s account of the incident was consistent and corroborated by witnesses.

  • John’s comments were deemed inappropriate and contributed to a hostile work environment.

  • The culture within the team needs improvement regarding professionalism and respect.


The investigation revealed that the allegations of harassment were substantiated. John's comments were inappropriate and violated the company's policy on harassment and workplace conduct.


Based on the findings of this investigation, the following recommendations are made:

  • John Smith should receive training on harassment and appropriate workplace behavior to ensure an understanding of the implications of his actions.

  • The Marketing and Sales departments should undergo a workshop on professionalism and respect in the workplace.

  • Regular check-ins should be scheduled to monitor the work environment and ensure that all employees feel safe and respected.

Next Steps

It is recommended that the following steps be taken to address the situation:

  • Schedule a meeting with John Smith to discuss the findings and recommendations.

  • Implement the recommended training sessions within the next month.

  • Establish a follow-up review in three months to assess the work environment.


Any relevant documents, statements, or additional information that support the investigation should be attached here.

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