Aesthetic Customer Follow-up Visit Report

Aesthetic Customer Follow-up Visit Report

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Date: [Date]

I. Client Information

Client Name:

Rocky Orn

Contact Information:

222 555 7777

Date of Birth:

January 15, 2050

II. Date of Visit

October 15, 2073

III. Treatment Summary

  1. Initial Treatment Date:
    September 10, 2050

  2. Type of Treatment:
    Botox Injection and Dermal Fillers

  3. Areas Treated:

    • Forehead

    • Crow's Feet

    • Lips

  4. Goals:
    Minimize the appearance of wrinkles and enhance lip volume. The client expressed a desire for a natural look while addressing signs of aging and maintaining facial expressiveness.

IV. Observations

  1. Client's Condition:
    Upon examination, the client shows significant improvement in wrinkle reduction on the forehead and around the eyes. The lip volume is enhanced with a natural appearance, contributing positively to Rocky's facial balance. There are no visible bruises or swelling at the injection sites.

  2. Client Feedback:
    Rocky is highly satisfied with the overall results, particularly pleased with the subtle yet effective enhancement of his facial features. He noted that his friends have commented positively on her refreshed appearance.

  3. Any Concerns:
    The client mentioned a slight stiffness in the forehead region, occurring mainly in the mornings. He also expressed a desire for a more pronounced enhancement in the lip area, potentially seeking to achieve a fuller look in future treatments.

V. Recommendations

  1. Addressing Concerns:

    • It is recommended that Rocky gently massages the forehead area to alleviate stiffness. If the issue persists beyond two weeks, consider scheduling a follow-up appointment to reassess the treatment.

    • To address his desire for fuller lips, a discussion about possible additional filler treatments can be scheduled for her next visit.

  2. Maintenance:

    • Encouraged to adopt a consistent skincare regimen, including a gentle cleanser, a daily moisturizer with SPF, and a retinol-based night cream to enhance skin texture and prevent future wrinkles.

    • Suggest incorporating weekly hydrating masks to maintain skin elasticity and hydration.

VI. Next Steps

  1. Follow-up Appointment:

    • Schedule the next visit in three months (January 15, 2074) for routine assessment and potential touch-up treatments. Discuss the results of the skincare regimen during this visit.

  2. Additional Treatments:

    • Discuss the option of trying a chemical peel to further enhance skin smoothness and glow at the next appointment. Additionally, consider introducing light therapy sessions for overall skin rejuvenation.

  3. Client Education:

    • Provide educational materials on post-treatment care and the benefits of maintaining a regular aesthetic regimen to ensure the longevity of results.

VII. Signatures


Maria Turner
[Date Signed]


Jewell Ward
[Date Signed]

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