Executive Summary Report Format

Executive Summary Report Format

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


This section outlines the primary objective of the business proposal. Clearly define what the proposal aims to achieve and the problems it intends to solve for the target audience. A succinct statement will help set the context for the reader.

Background Information

Provide a brief overview of the business context and any relevant history or data that informs the proposal. This section should give the reader insight into why the proposal is being made and the key factors that necessitate it.

Key Findings

Summarize the main findings that support the proposal. Use this section to highlight critical data or insights that back your recommendations. You may include a table to illustrate any significant statistics or comparisons.






Market Opportunity

Growing demand for Duofort

Increased sales

Market Research

January 15, 2051

Competitive Analysis

Competitors lack features

Potential gain

SWOT Analysis

February 10, 2052


Outline your proposed actions based on the key findings. This section should be clear and actionable, detailing what you recommend the audience do next. It can be beneficial to list the steps in order of priority.


Reinforce the significance of the proposal and the anticipated outcomes if the recommendations are implemented. Summarize the benefits and the value that the proposal will bring to the organization or stakeholders.

Next Steps

In this section, outline the proposed timeline for implementing the recommendations. This will help the reader understand the urgency and scope of the next actions. You can include a table to detail the phases of implementation.



Start Date

End Date

Responsible Party

Phase 1: Research

Gather additional insights

March 01, 2053

March 30, 2053


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