Daily Design Progress Report

Daily Design Progress Report

Date: October 22, 2054
Project Name: New Website Redesign
Prepared by: [Your Name], Project Manager
Team Members: Sarah Lee, Graphic Designer; Mark Thompson, Web Developer; Emily Chen, UX Designer

1. Overview of Activities

Summary of Key Tasks Completed:

  • Developed Wireframes: Created initial wireframes for the homepage and contact page based on the feedback from the last review session.

  • Design Mockups: Finalized design mockups for the product pages, incorporating client branding elements and color schemes.

  • Client Meeting: Conducted a meeting with the client to discuss progress and gather additional input on the latest designs.

2. Current Status

Design Phase: Design Refinement
Progress Level: 75% Completed

Milestones Achieved:

  • Completed wireframes for all main pages, which have been approved by the client.

  • Achieved finalization of design mockups, now ready for development.

3. Challenges Encountered


  • Feedback Delays: The client took longer than expected to provide feedback on the mockups, resulting in a slight delay in moving forward with development.

  • Technical Limitations: Encountered some limitations with the chosen platform's capabilities, which may affect some design elements.

Actions Taken:

  • Followed up with the client to expedite feedback and clarify any outstanding questions.

  • Scheduled a meeting with the development team to discuss alternative solutions for the technical limitations.

4. Decisions Made

  • Design Element Changes: Decided to simplify the navigation menu based on client feedback to enhance user experience.

  • Timeline Adjustment: Adjusted the project timeline to accommodate the delay in feedback, extending the development phase by one week.

5. Next Steps

Planned Tasks for Tomorrow:

  • Finalize CSS Styles: Continue working on the CSS styles for the finalized design mockups.

  • Begin Development: Start development of the homepage based on the approved wireframes and mockups.

  • Review Meeting Preparation: Prepare for the upcoming review meeting with the client to present the wireframes and design mockups.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Ensure that development aligns with the design specifications.

  • Gather feedback from the development team regarding any potential design adjustments due to technical constraints.

6. Additional Notes

  • The client expressed satisfaction with the current design direction and is looking forward to the next review meeting.

  • The team is encouraged to share any additional design ideas during the development phase to enhance functionality and user experience.


[Your Name]
Project Manager
Email: [Your Email]

Distribution List

  • Sarah Lee, Graphic Designer

  • Mark Thompson, Web Developer

  • Emily Chen, UX Designer

  • Client: Jane Smith, Marketing Director

  • Development Team Lead: Tom Adams

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