ISO 9001 Internal Audit Report Format

ISO 9001 Internal Audit Report

Audit Date: March 12, 2060
Report Date: March 19, 2060
Audit Location: Apex Manufacturing Facility, Springfield Industrial Zone, Springfield

Audit Scope:

Evaluation of compliance with ISO 9001:2060 standards across quality management processes, including production, procurement, quality control, and document management at Apex Manufacturing Facility.

Audit Objective:

To verify the effectiveness of the Quality Management System (QMS) in place and assess its alignment with ISO 9001:2060 requirements. Specific objectives include identifying non-conformities, evaluating the implementation of corrective actions from prior audits, and ensuring that quality objectives are met.

Audit Criteria:

  • ISO 9001:2060 standard requirements

  • Apex Manufacturing’s Quality Manual, Procedures, and Policies

  • Previous Internal Audit Reports (2060-2061)

  • Documented objectives for the Quality Management System

1. Audit Summary

The internal audit was conducted by the Quality Assurance Team at Apex Manufacturing to assess the alignment of the QMS with ISO 9001:2060 standards. This report provides findings from March 12, 2060, to evaluate process efficiency, documentation accuracy, and the corrective actions undertaken since the last audit cycle.

Overall Compliance Level:
Partially Compliant – Improvement Needed

Areas Audited:

  • Document Control

  • Production Process

  • Procurement and Supplier Management

  • Quality Control and Testing

2. Audit Findings

Document Control

  • Objective: To assess the accuracy and timeliness of controlled documents within the QMS.

  • Finding: Document versions were often outdated, and not all employees had access to the latest versions.

  • Evidence: Of 25 documents sampled, 8 were found to be outdated, posing a risk to process integrity.

  • Non-Conformance Level: Minor

  • Recommendation: Implement a digital document control system for real-time updates, alerts, and version management to ensure current document accessibility.

Production Process

  • Objective: To review adherence to standardized procedures within production lines.

  • Finding: Minor deviations from documented procedures in two production areas (Molding and Assembly) were observed.

  • Evidence: Observation revealed incomplete checklists on three out of five randomly selected workstations.

  • Non-Conformance Level: Major

  • Recommendation: Reinforce adherence by integrating checklist completion into quality control checkpoints, and implement periodic spot audits to ensure compliance.

Procurement and Supplier Management

  • Objective: To verify supplier performance and the adequacy of procurement controls.

  • Finding: Supplier evaluations are performed inconsistently, with a lack of documented follow-ups on performance issues.

  • Evidence: Of the last 12 suppliers evaluated, 3 had recurring issues not followed up with corrective actions.

  • Non-Conformance Level: Minor

  • Recommendation: Establish a more rigorous supplier performance tracking system, with quarterly reviews and documented corrective actions for suppliers with repeated performance issues.

Quality Control and Testing

  • Objective: To assess the effectiveness of quality control processes in detecting product defects before shipment.

  • Finding: Quality testing protocols were generally followed, but traceability of test results to batch numbers needs improvement.

  • Evidence: Test logs for Batch #345D lacked complete traceability due to missing identification on test result forms.

  • Non-Conformance Level: Minor

  • Recommendation: Implement barcoding on test result forms for easy batch traceability and initiate quarterly training for quality inspectors on documentation practices.

3. Corrective Action Plan


Action Required

Responsible Party

Target Completion Date

Follow-Up Date

Outdated document versions

Implement a digital document control system

IT & Quality Assurance

April 30, 2060

May 15, 2060

Production checklist completion

Integrate checklist in QC checkpoints

Production Manager

March 29, 2060

April 10, 2060

Supplier performance tracking

Quarterly reviews and follow-up actions

Procurement Manager

April 30, 2060

May 20, 2060

Test result traceability

Barcoding on test forms

Quality Control Lead

March 22, 2060

April 1, 2060

4. Audit Conclusion

The audit identified several areas where the QMS deviates from ISO 9001:2060 standards. The primary issues include outdated documentation, inconsistent production checklist completion, insufficient supplier performance follow-up, and incomplete traceability in quality testing. With effective corrective actions, the organization should achieve full compliance and improve the overall efficiency and reliability of its quality management processes.

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