Free Preschool Education Report Template



Free Preschool Education Report Template

Preschool Education Report


  • Student Name: Jackie Tillman

  • Age: 4 years, 7 months

  • Enrollment Date: 03/15/2072

  • Report Period: 08/01/2073 – 12/15/2073

  • Teacher: [YOUR NAME]


A. Cognitive Development

  • Strengths:
    Jackie demonstrates strong problem-solving skills and recognizes all primary colors and basic shapes. She enjoys puzzles and can count up to 30.

  • Areas for Improvement:
    She is working on identifying patterns and sequencing activities, such as arranging objects by size or color.

B. Social and Emotional Development

  • Strengths:
    Jackie is friendly and cooperative with peers. She readily participates in group activities and enjoys helping her classmates.

  • Areas for Improvement:
    She occasionally needs support in waiting her turn during group activities and managing frustration when tasks are challenging.

C. Physical Development

  • Gross Motor Skills:
    Jackie is highly active and enjoys running, climbing, and participating in playground games. Her balance and coordination are well-developed.

  • Fine Motor Skills:
    She demonstrates precision when using scissors, crayons, and building blocks. However, she is still developing confidence in drawing shapes and writing letters.

D. Language and Communication Skills

  • Strengths:
    Jackie expresses herself clearly and uses an expansive vocabulary for her age. She enjoys storytelling and participates eagerly in classroom discussions.

  • Areas for Improvement:
    She is encouraged to work on forming longer, more complex sentences and to ask questions when she needs clarification.


A. Literacy

  • Achievements:
    Jackie can identify all uppercase and lowercase letters and knows the sounds for most of them. She has begun recognizing simple sight words and enjoys listening to stories.

  • Next Steps:
    Continue practicing sight word recognition and reading simple sentences together at home to build fluency.

B. Numeracy

  • Achievements:
    Jackie can count to 30, identify numbers up to 20, and understand basic concepts of more and less. She enjoys simple addition games.

  • Next Steps:
    Introduce counting by twos and encourage activities like sorting objects to reinforce early math skills.


  • Attendance Record: 68 days present/70 total school days

  • Participation in Class Activities:
    Jackie is highly engaged during story time, arts and crafts, and circle time. She actively participates in music and movement sessions.


Jackie has made excellent progress this term, showcasing her enthusiasm for learning and her curiosity about the world around her. She is a joy to have in the classroom and is always eager to try new activities. With continued support, she will thrive further in her academic and personal growth.


  • For Parents:
    Reading together daily will continue to nurture her love for stories. Additionally, engaging her in activities like sorting laundry or cooking can support her understanding of patterns and sequences.

  • For the Next Term:
    Focus on enhancing her writing skills, introducing more advanced math concepts, and encouraging her to express her thoughts through storytelling and art.

This report is confidential and intended solely for the use of Jackie Tillman’s parents or guardians. Please contact [YOUR COMPANY NAME] at [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] with any questions or concerns.

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