Free School Fees Collection Report Layout Template



Free School Fees Collection Report Layout Template

School Fees Collection Report

[School Name]
School Fees Collection Report
For the Year/Term: [Insert Year/Term]

1. Report Overview

  • Report Prepared by: [Your Name/Position]

  • Date of Report: [Insert Date]

  • Academic Year/Term: [Insert Academic Year/Term]

2. Summary of Total Fees Collected

Fee Category

Amount Due

Amount Collected

Outstanding Amount

Percentage Collected

Tuition Fees

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Sports Fees

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Library Fees

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Activity Fees

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Other Fees (e.g., Lab)

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Total Fees

[Total Due]

[Total Collected]

[Total Outstanding]

[Total Percentage]

3. Breakdown by Grade/Class


Total Amount Due

Total Amount Collected

Outstanding Amount

Percentage Collected

Grade 1

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Grade 2

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Grade 3

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]

Grade 4

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Insert Amount]

[Calculated Percentage]


[Total Due]

[Total Collected]

[Total Outstanding]

[Total Percentage]

4. Payment Methods Overview

  • Cash: [Insert Amount]

  • Bank Transfer: [Insert Amount]

  • Online Payment: [Insert Amount]

  • Cheque: [Insert Amount]

  • Other: [Insert Amount]

5. Outstanding Fees by Student

Student Name


Amount Due

Amount Paid

Balance Due

[Student Name 1]


[Amount Due]

[Amount Paid]

[Balance Due]

[Student Name 2]


[Amount Due]

[Amount Paid]

[Balance Due]

[Student Name 3]


[Amount Due]

[Amount Paid]

[Balance Due]


[Total Due]

[Total Paid]

[Total Balance]

6. Payment Status Summary

  • Total Fees Due: [Insert Total Amount]

  • Total Fees Collected: [Insert Total Amount]

  • Total Outstanding: [Insert Total Amount]

  • Percentage Collected: [Insert Percentage]

7. Additional Notes

  • Any important details or observations related to the collection process.


Prepared by: [Your Name]
Signature: ____________________
Date: [Insert Date]

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