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Weekly Freelance Schedule


Freelancer: [Your Name]

I. Days and Times Overview

July 18, 2053 to July 21, 2053

II. Task Description

Task Description



Draft blog post

Big Designs Inc.

July 18, 2053

Website UI redesign

Tech Solutions LLC

July 20, 2053

Social media content creation

Social Buzz Co.

July 17, 2053

Client meeting preparation

Consulting Experts

July 19, 2053

Project proposal revision

Marketing Genius

July 21, 2053

Video script writing

Video Innovations

July 19, 2053

III. Client Details


Contact Info

Project Details

Big Designs Inc.

[email protected]

Website redesign and content creation

Tech Solutions LLC

[email protected]

UI overhaul for tech products

Social Buzz Co.

[email protected]

Monthly social media management

Consulting Experts

[email protected]

Client strategy consultation

Marketing Genius

[email protected]

Proposal for a new campaign

Video Innovations

[email protected]

Scriptwriting for a promotional video

IV. Notes/Instructions

Task Description


Draft blog post

Incorporate client feedback from the last meeting.

Website UI redesign

Prepare multiple design options for presentation.

Social media content creation

Focus on engagement metrics for the previous month.

Client meeting preparation

Prepare agenda and presentation slides.

Project proposal revision

Include updated cost breakdown and timeline.

Video script writing

Ensure the script aligns with the brand voice and style.

This detailed template helps freelancers effectively manage their week, ensuring clarity on tasks, client engagements, deadlines, and specific instructions or notes for each activity. Adjust the placeholders with actual details relevant to your freelance work for optimal organization and productivity.

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