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Travel Health Medical Report

Travel Health Medical

Traveler Information

Full Name

[Your Name]

Passport Number


Date of Birth:

January 1, 2050

Contact Information:


Travel Details

  • Destination(s): Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket)

  • Travel Dates: 11/01/2055 to 11/15/2055

  • Purpose of Travel: Vacation

Medical History

Pre-existing Medical Conditions:

  • Hypertension: Diagnosed in 2054, managed with daily medication (Lisinopril 10 mg). Blood pressure is regularly monitored and remains within a controlled range.

  • Asthma: Mild, well-controlled with occasional use of an Albuterol inhaler, typically triggered by allergens and cold weather. The last asthma exacerbation occurred in March 2053, managed effectively with medication


Previous Surgeries or Hospitalizations:

  • Appendectomy: Underwent a successful appendectomy on 05/10/2050 due to acute appendicitis. No complications during or after surgery. Fully recovered.


  • Penicillin: Severe allergic reaction, including rash and difficulty breathing. Alternative antibiotics should be used in case of bacterial infections.

  • Shellfish: Mild allergic reaction, including hives and gastrointestinal discomfort. Shellfish should be strictly avoided in meals.

Current Medications

List of Medications:

  • Lisinopril, 10 mg, once daily

  • Albuterol Inhaler, as needed

  • Aspirin, 81 mg, once daily

Vaccination Records

  • Vaccinations Received:

    • Hepatitis A, 09/15/2056

    • Typhoid, 09/20/2056

    • Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap), 08/10/2055

Health Risk Assessments

  1. Potential Health Risks for Destination:

    • Dengue Fever: High risk in urban areas during rainy season.

    • Zika Virus: Risk exists; recommend avoiding mosquito bites.

  2. Recommendations for Preventive Measures:

    • Take malaria prophylaxis (Doxycycline) starting one week before travel and continue for four weeks after returning.

    • Use insect repellent containing DEET when outdoors.

    • Stay in accommodations with air conditioning or window screens.

Emergency Contacts

  • Primary Emergency Contact:

    • Name: Sarah J. Smith

    • Relationship: Spouse

    • Phone: (555) 987-6543

  • Local Emergency Services Contact Information:

    • Thailand Emergency Number: 1669

Healthcare Provider Information

  • Name: Dr. Emily Johnson, MD

  • Contact Information:

    • Phone: (555) 555-7890

    • Address: 123 Health St, Wellness City, ST 12345

Date of Report: 10/01/2060


Name of Healthcare Provider

[Your Company Name]

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