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Project Checklist

Project Skyrise Construction Checklist

This checklist was designed with the main goal of ensuring that all necessary materials are present and all tasks are completed in a proper and timely manner, aligning with our values of efficiency, accuracy and consistency. Do not forget to check off the boxes once the task is completed.

Materials Checklist:

Cement Bags
Concrete Mixers
Construction Equipment (Cranes, Excavators, etc.)
Steel Rebars
Electrical Wiring
PVC Pipes for Plumbing
Insulation Materials
Light Fixtures
Tiles for Flooring
Windows and Doors
Helipad Materials

Task Checklist:

Site Preparation
Foundation Construction
Building Structure
Installation of Electrical and Plumbing
Insulation Installation
Drywall Installation
Installation of Flooring and Doors
Finishing Touches
Construction of Helipad
Final Inspection