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Housekeeping Audit Checklist

Maintenance and Compliance for Organizational Excellence

Audit Conducted by: [Your Name]

This checklist is used to assess and ensure the cleanliness, organization, and overall tidiness of this facility. It includes a list of items or criteria related to cleanliness standards, maintenance of equipment and supplies, waste management, safety protocols, and adherence to specific housekeeping procedures. This checklist is used to conduct regular inspections and identify areas that need improvement in order to maintain a clean and safe environment.

Cleaning Standards


  • Floors are not only clean but also properly sanitized.

  • No stains or spills are present.

  • Floor coverings (carpets, mats) are in good condition.

  • Entrances and exits are free from dirt or debris.

Pest Control:

  • No visible signs of pests or infestations in any area.

  • Adequate measures are in place for pest prevention.

  • Regular pest control inspections are documented.

Stairways and Elevators:

  • Stairways are clean, well-lit, and free of obstacles.

  • Elevators are regularly inspected for cleanliness and functionality.

  • Emergency procedures and contact information are posted.

Hygiene Standards


  • Washrooms are not only clean but also sanitized.

  • Adequate supplies of soap, hand sanitizers, and paper towels are available.

  • Restroom facilities comply with local health and safety regulations.

Kitchens and Food Preparation Areas:

  • Food preparation surfaces are sanitized regularly.

  • All kitchen equipment is clean and in good working condition.

  • Adequate storage and disposal of perishable items are maintained.

Bin Areas:

  • Bin areas are clean, well-maintained, and organized.

  • Trash bins are appropriately labeled for recycling and general waste.

  • Regular disposal schedules are in place and documented.

Organizational Standards

Item Organization:

  • All items are properly labeled and stored in their designated places.

  • Inventory management systems are in place and up to date.

  • Accessibility to stored items is maintained.

Storage Areas:

  • Storage areas are well-organized and free from clutter.

  • Adequate shelving and storage solutions are utilized.

  • Proper lighting and ventilation are maintained in storage spaces.

Office Spaces:

  • Desks and workstations are organized and clutter-free.

  • Cables and wires are organized to prevent trip hazards.

  • Office equipment is well-maintained and regularly serviced.

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