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Quality Assurance Audit Checklist

Quality Management System (QMS) Compliance




[Your Name]


[Your Company Name]


This checklist created by the Quality Assurance (QA) team, provides a structured approach for our organizations to review and strengthen their QMS. Focusing on essential elements facilitates the identification of areas for improvement, supports compliance with quality standards, and fosters a culture of quality across the organization.

Documentation and Control:

  • QMS documentation is complete, accurate, and up-to-date.

  • Document control processes ensure version control and accessibility.

  • Procedures for document creation, review, approval, and distribution are documented.

  • Records of changes to documents are maintained.

  • Documented evidence of employee training on document control procedures.

Process Management:

  • Core business processes are identified and documented.

  • Process interactions and dependencies are understood and managed.

  • Key personnel are trained on defined processes.

  • Process performance metrics are established and regularly reviewed.

  • Periodic reviews ensure processes align with organizational goals.

Monitoring and Measurement:

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) are defined and regularly monitored.

  • Measurement equipment and tools are calibrated and maintained.

  • Data collection processes are accurate and reliable.

  • Regular internal audits of monitoring and measurement processes.

  • Corrective actions are taken based on monitoring and measurement findings.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Systems are in place to identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Continuous improvement initiatives are documented and implemented.

  • Employee feedback is actively sought for process improvement ideas.

  • Regular management reviews to identify areas for enhancement.

  • Lessons learned from corrective actions are incorporated into the QMS.

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