Free Walk around Safety Checklist Template



Free Walk around Safety Checklist Template

Safety Checklist

[Your Name]

[You Company Name]

June 23, 2053


This checklist is designed to proactively promote and ensure a safe working environment through comprehensive preventive measures and regular inspections conducted by Sentry Safety Services.

Premises Walk Around

  • Check all exit doors to ensure they are unblocked and unlocked for swift evacuation.

  • Inspect the condition of floors, emphasizing freedom from slip and trip hazards.

  • Verify clear access to emergency equipment and confirm the proper functioning of fire extinguishers.

  • Assess the proper storage and disposal of wastes, maintaining a clutter-free environment.

Equipment Walk Around

  • Ensure all electrical equipment is in optimal condition with no exposed wires.

  • Verify the presence of safety guards where required for enhanced protection.

  • Confirm that all machines and tools are well-maintained, clean, and in proper working order.

  • Inspect workstations for ergonomic setup to promote a healthy and comfortable work environment.

Operational Safety Walk Around

  • Confirm the correct storage and handling of hazardous materials, adhering to safety guidelines.

  • Ensure all personnel are equipped with and wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

  • Examine the proper use of forklifts and other heavy machinery, prioritizing safety protocols.

  • Verify the visibility and clarity of safety signs and instructions throughout the premises.

Additional Observations

Document any additional findings, observations, and actions taken during the inspection.

By systematically following and addressing the points in this checklist, Sentry Safety Services aims to proactively identify and rectify potential hazards, fostering a culture of safety and well-being within the workplace. Continuous improvement is central to our commitment to providing a secure and conducive working environment for all.

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