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Construction Audit Checklist

Construction Audit Checklist


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[your name]

[your company name]

[your company address]


This checklist provides a comprehensive framework for conducting thorough audits in the construction industry, ensuring financial integrity, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to quality standards.

Section 1: Professional Construction Financial Records Evaluation

  1. Analyze Cost Reports: Scrutinize detailed cost reports to ensure accuracy and transparency in financial reporting.

  1. Review Budget Estimates: Compare budget estimates against actual job reports for completeness and accuracy, identifying any significant variances.

  1. Inspect Cash Flow Projections: Examine cash flow projections to assess the financial health and liquidity of the construction project.

Section 2: Professional Construction Compliance Evaluation

  1. Verify Permits and Licenses: Ensure all necessary city, county, state, and federal permits and licenses are obtained and valid.

  1. Examine Legal and Regulatory Adherence: Check for compliance with all relevant laws and regulatory standards, including strict adherence to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements.

Section 3: Professional Construction Quality Assessment

  1. Review Construction Plans: Evaluate the construction plans for completeness, clarity, and feasibility.

  1. Inspect On-Site Materials: Assess the quality and suitability of materials delivered on-site, ensuring they meet project specifications.

  1. Quality of Workmanship: Evaluate the quality of work performed, ensuring it aligns with the construction plans and industry standards.

  1. Monitor Progress and Deadlines: Regularly monitor the progress of the construction project, ensuring that timelines are adhered to and any delays are promptly addressed.

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