Free Due Diligence IT Checklist Template



Free Due Diligence IT Checklist Template

IT Due Diligence Evaluation

This comprehensive IT Due Diligence Checklist aims to thoroughly assess the organization's IT infrastructure and operations. By examining systems, security measures, compliance, and data integrity, the objective is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, ultimately ensuring a robust and secure IT environment aligned with industry standards and regulations.

Systems Assessment

  • Review current operating systems to ensure compatibility with business requirements.

  • Assess system scalability and adaptability for future growth and technological advancements.

  • Verify the integrity of software licenses, ensuring compliance with legal and organizational standards.

  • Examine the potential need for system upgrades, considering performance and security enhancements.

Security Assessment

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current security measures in safeguarding against unauthorized access and data breaches.

  • Assess vulnerability to common cyber attacks, identifying potential weaknesses in the system.

  • Review past security breaches and the corresponding response strategies to enhance future incident preparedness.

  • Scrutinize existing security policies and protocols, ensuring alignment with industry best practices.

Compliance Assessment

  • Check compliance with relevant legal regulations governing the IT landscape.

  • Verify adherence to ethical standards in IT operations and data management.

  • Confirm compliance with industry-specific standards to maintain credibility and competitiveness.

Data Integrity

  • Assess data management practices, ensuring proper handling, storage, and retrieval procedures.

  • Validate the integrity of databases to prevent data corruption and maintain reliability.

[Your Company Name]

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

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