Free Safety Checklist for Daycare Template



Free Safety Checklist for Daycare Template

Safety Checklist

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

November 5, 2055

Objective: Ensure safety and security in daycare facilities for children.

Facility Entry and Exit Points

  • Door Security: Keep doors locked, ensuring controlled access.

  • Window Safety: Check windows for safety latches.

  • Emergency Exits: Ensure clear and accessible emergency exits.

  • Surveillance Visibility: Confirm visibility of surveillance systems.

  • Access Control: Restrict entry codes or keys to authorized personnel.

Interior Safety

  • Furniture and Equipment: Check for secure placement and safety.

  • Safety Gates: Install gates as needed for controlled access.

  • Toy Safety: Examine toys for hazards and breakage.

  • Safety Systems Check: Verify functionality of alarms and lighting.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Document compliance with health and safety regulations.

Outdoor Safety

  • Playground Equipment: Ensure secure and padded playgrounds.

  • Fence Integrity: Check fences for damage.

  • Hazardous Materials: Securely store and lock away hazardous materials.

  • Outdoor Area Inspection: Inspect for potential dangers.

  • Surveillance Functionality: Ensure outdoor cameras are functional.


  • Incident Reports: Maintain updated accessible incident reports.

  • Consent Forms: Ensure availability for special activities.

  • Child Records: Verify updated child records with emergency contacts.

  • Staff Qualifications: Confirm staff qualifications and training.

  • License and Insurance: Ensure validity and accessibility of legal documents.

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