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Sample Real Estate Checklist

Real Estate Property Checklist

Created by:

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[your company address]

Property Name:

Aurora Real Estate Heights

Property Address:

Address - To Be Filled

This comprehensive real estate checklist ensures that you have considered all crucial aspects before making a real estate investment or purchase decision. Check off each item to help guide your decision-making process and minimize potential risks.

Property Details:

  • Have you thoroughly reviewed the property's description and location?

  • Is the property in compliance with local zoning regulations?

  • Does the property have clear and marketable title?

  • Are there any outstanding liens or encumbrances on the property?

Financial Considerations:

  • Have you determined your budget and financing options?

  • Have you calculated potential closing costs and property taxes?

  • Is the property price within your budget?

  • Have you assessed potential rental income or resale value?

Inspection and Maintenance:

  • Have you scheduled a professional inspection of the property?

  • Are there any structural issues, pests, or needed repairs?

  • Are you aware of any planned maintenance fees or special assessments?

Negotiation and Offer:

  • Have you conducted a comparative market analysis?

  • Have you formulated an initial offer price?

  • Are you prepared for potential counteroffers or negotiations?

  • Is the offer contingent on any specific conditions or contingencies?

Legal and Documentation:

  • Have you reviewed and understood the purchase agreement?

  • Are all parties involved clear on their roles and responsibilities?

  • Have you consulted with a real estate attorney?

  • Have you obtained homeowner's insurance quotes?

Financing Approval:

  • Have you been pre-approved for a mortgage loan?

  • Is your financing in place and secure?

  • Do you understand the terms and conditions of your loan?

  • Have you reviewed the loan estimate and closing disclosure documents?

Closing Process:

  • Is the closing date scheduled and agreed upon?

  • Have you received a closing statement with detailed costs?

  • Are you aware of any escrow or earnest money requirements?

  • Have you confirmed the method of payment for the property?

Post-Purchase Considerations:

  • Have you planned for property maintenance and upkeep?

  • Are you aware of the local property management regulations?

  • Do you have a plan for potential rental property management?

  • Have you considered any tax implications related to the property?

Exit Strategy:

  • Have you outlined a plan for selling or exiting the investment?

  • Are you prepared for potential market fluctuations?

  • Have you considered long-term appreciation potential?

Due Diligence:

  • Have you thoroughly researched the neighborhood and local amenities?

  • Are you aware of any future developments or infrastructure projects?

  • Have you spoken with current or previous owners for insights?

  • Have you reviewed the property's history for any disputes or issues?

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