Free Generator Service Checklist Template



Free Generator Service Checklist Template

Generator Service Checklist

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Date: [Insert Date]

1. Ensure Generator Functionality

  • Check engine coolant level

  • Inspect the air filter and replace it if necessary

  • Review the integrity of fan and generator belts

  • Monitor the system for oil or coolant leaks

  • Test battery and battery cables

2. Emergency Shut-Off Test

  • Make sure the emergency shut-off switch is accessible

  • Test the shut-off switch

  • Reset the system once the test is complete

  • Analyse results and record any problems

  • Inform technicians to examine the shut-off system if anomalies are observed

3. Verify Fuel System

  • Inspect fuel levels

  • Examine fuel for the presence of water or contaminants

  • Check for any leaks in the fuel transfer pumps and lines

  • Verify pressure in the fuel system

  • Service the fuel filter

4. Inspect Electrical Connections

  • Ensure all electrical connections are secure

  • Check for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage

  • Verify electrical conductivity

  • Test circuit breakers and relays

  • Inspect and clean battery terminals

5. Validate Voltage Output

  • Check the generator's idle voltage

  • Monitor output under half-load

  • Test output under full load

  • Analyse output stability over time

  • Record any fluctuations and notify maintenance if necessary

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