Simple Checklist

Gym Workout Checklist

This checklist is designed for those looking to establish a simple and effective gym workout routine. It outlines basic workouts organized into different categories for a balanced and comprehensive gym exercise regimen.

Prepared by [YOUR NAME].


  • 5 minutes of light cardio

  • Stretching exercises

  • Joint rotations


  • 15 minutes of running on a treadmill

  • 10 minutes of cycling on a stationary bike

  • 10 minutes of rowing machine exercises

Resistance Training

  • Bench press exercises

  • Squat exercises

  • Deadlift exercises

Core Training

  • Plank exercises

  • Crunch exercises

  • Leg raise exercises

Cool Down

  • 5 minutes of light cardio

  • Stretching exercises

Checklist Templates @ Template.Net