Free Event Booth Checklist Template



Free Event Booth Checklist Template

Company Event Booth Checklist

This checklist aims to guide individuals and teams responsible for setting up an event booth under the [Your Company Name] organization. Refer to this document to ensure visibility, engagement, and audience connection during events. Consider each task as an outline of necessary actions and aim to complete them to meet a high standard of booth presentation.

Planning and Conceptualization:

  • Brainstorm booth theme aligned with the event's purpose.

  • Create booth design layout.

  • Determine necessary materials and resources.

  • Assign roles and responsibilities within the team.

  • Plan schedule for booth setup and dismantle.

Resource Management:

  • Secure budget allocation for the booth setup.

  • Purchase, gather, and organize necessary materials.

  • Coordinate logistics (delivery of materials, tools, etc.).

  • Ensure the availability of equipment necessary for setup.

  • Arrange requirements for power sources and cables.

Booth Construction and Setup:

  • Construct and assemble booth structure.

  • Install visuals and branding materials.

  • Set up equipment and technological tools.

  • Arrange furnishings for interaction and convenience.

  • Inspect overall setup for safety and compliance.

Event Operation:

  • Ensure staff understanding of roles during the event.

  • Check the functionality of equipment before the start of the event.

  • Establish a system for replenishing booth materials.

  • Manage interactive activities and engagement strategies.

  • Conduct regular booth cleanliness and orderliness checks.


  • Ensure proper disposal of trash and waste materials.

  • Disassemble and pack up equipment safely.

  • Inventory materials and equipment for transportation.

  • Coordinate logistics for dismantling and transportation.

  • Conduct a post-event evaluation and report.

Note: Safety is paramount, and all actions performed must consider health and well-being at all times. Take the time to periodically review this checklist to ensure it remains relevant and effective for all upcoming events. This list can be modified according to particular needs for given situations. Good luck!

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