Free Performance Testing Requirement Checklist Template

Software Dry-Run Checklist

Authored by:

[your name]

Company name:

[your company name]

Employee name:

[employee name]

Performance Assessment Date:

February 17, 2052

This checklist is designed to help software developers and system engineers understand and validate performance of their systems. It allows them to stress-test their system and improve its reliability, scalability, and resource usage efficiency, identify bottlenecks, establish benchmarks, and support decision-making processes for performance improvements. Follow this checklist for a thorough and reliable approach in enhancing system performance.

Performance Testing Objectives:

  • Are performance testing objectives clearly defined?

  • Are the specific performance metrics identified (e.g., response time, throughput, resource utilization)?

  • Have performance goals been established for each metric?

Test Environment Setup:

  • Is the test environment representative of the production environment?

  • Have all necessary hardware, software, and network configurations been replicated?

  • Is there sufficient infrastructure to simulate realistic user loads?

Performance Test Scenarios:

  • Have performance test scenarios been identified based on user behavior patterns?

  • Do the scenarios cover a range of usage conditions (e.g., peak load, normal load, stress conditions)?

  • Have boundary cases and edge conditions been included?

Test Data Management:

  • Is test data realistic and representative of production data?

  • Have data privacy and security concerns been addressed?

  • Is there a mechanism to generate and refresh test data?

Performance Test Execution:

  • Have performance tests been scheduled during off-peak hours?

  • Is there a strategy to monitor and analyze test results in real-time?

  • Are there protocols in place to handle unexpected errors or failures during testing?

Performance Test Reporting:

  • Will performance test reports be generated and distributed?

  • Do reports include detailed performance metrics, analysis, and recommendations?

  • Is there a process to review and act upon findings from performance test reports?

Performance Test Maintenance:

  • Is there a plan to regularly review and update performance test scenarios?

  • Will performance tests be rerun periodically to detect regressions?

  • Are there mechanisms in place to address changes in the application or infrastructure?

Stakeholder Communication:

  • Have performance testing objectives and results been effectively communicated to stakeholders?

  • Is there a feedback loop for stakeholders to provide input on performance requirements?

Checklist Templates @