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Employee Checklist

Employee Onboarding Checklist







Hired Date:


Before Day One:

Receive and review the offer letter:

  • Read and understand the terms and conditions of the employment offer.

  • Confirm acceptance by signing and returning the offer letter within the specified timeframe.

Complete and return the required documents:

  • Submit all necessary documentation, including tax forms, identification, and banking details.

  • Ensure accuracy and completeness of submitted information.

Set up company email and communication tools:

  • Receive login credentials for company email and communication platforms.

  • Test access to ensure seamless communication on day one.

On Day One:

Welcome orientation with HR:

  • Attend an orientation session to learn about the company's history, mission, and values.

  • Receive an overview of employee benefits, policies, and the organizational structure.

Introduction to team and department:

  • Meet team members and key colleagues.

  • Learn about team roles, responsibilities, and ongoing projects.

Review company policies and code of conduct:

  • Go through the employee handbook, understanding policies on ethics, diversity, harassment, and other key guidelines.

  • Sign an acknowledgment form confirming understanding and compliance.

Set up workstation and necessary equipment:

  • Arrange the workspace with the required tools, technology, and stationery.

  • Ensure IT equipment, such as computers and phones, are set up and functioning properly.

First Week:

Attend training sessions and onboarding programs:

  • Participate in onboarding sessions covering company culture, values, and expectations.

  • Complete any required training modules or courses.

Meet with supervisor to discuss role and expectations:

  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting with the supervisor to clarify job responsibilities and performance expectations.

  • Establish communication channels for ongoing support and feedback.

Complete mandatory safety and compliance training:

  • Participate in safety and compliance training to ensure a secure and healthy work environment.

  • Obtain certifications if required for the role.

Set up and familiarize yourself with relevant software/tools:

  • Install and configure job-specific software.

  • Familiarize yourself with essential tools and resources needed for daily tasks.

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