Free Diaper Bag Checklist Template
Diaper Bag Checklist
Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]
I. Diapers and Wipes
Disposable or cloth diapers (at least 4-5)
Baby wipes (travel pack)
Diaper disposal bags
II. Changing Essentials
Portable changing pad
Diaper cream
Hand sanitizer
Baby powder (optional)
III. Clothing
Extra onesies or outfits (2-3 sets)
Hat (for sun or cold)
Lightweight blanket
IV. Feeding Supplies
Bottles (pre-filled with formula or breast milk)
Formula or breast milk storage bags
Snacks (for toddlers)
Burp cloths
Sippy cup (for older babies)
V. Comfort Items
Pacifier (plus backup)
Favorite toy or teething ring
Small stuffed animal or comfort blanket
VI. Health and Safety
Baby-friendly sunscreen
Baby thermometer
Infant medication (if needed)
First aid supplies (bandages, baby-safe ointment)
VII. Miscellaneous
Extra blanket or swaddle
Small towel or washcloth
Water bottle (for parents)
Snacks (for parents)
Wet bag (for soiled clothing)