Camping Checklist

Camping Checklist

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Yosemite NP, CA for 4 days, 3 nights - Hiking & campfire cooking

Essential Gears

  • Tents

  • Sleeping Bags

  • Camping Mat

  • Backpacks


  • Moisture-wicking T-shirts

  • Waterproof Jacket

  • Long Underwear

  • Quick-drying Pants/Shorts

Food & Cooking Supplies

  • Prepackaged Meals

  • Snacks

  • Cooking Stoves

  • Pots and Pans

Additional Items

  • Map and Compass

  • Multipurpose Knife

  • First-Aid Kit

  • Flashlights

Notes or Reminders

  • Check the weather forecast and prepare accordingly.

  • Do not forget your essential items such as medicines and hygiene products.

  • Leave no trace - clean the camping area before leaving.

Checklist Templates @