Simple Spring Cleaning Checklist

Essential Cleaning List

Use this spring cleaning checklist to refresh your living space. Follow it to ensure every corner is cleaned and your home is revitalized.


  • Use a pen or marker to tick the checkboxes as you complete each task.

  • Before starting, gather the necessary cleaning supplies and equipment to streamline the process.

1. Declutter and Organize

  • Go through each room and remove any unnecessary items or clutter.

  • Organize closets, drawers, and shelves, donating or discarding items you no longer need.

  • Invest in storage solutions to keep belongings tidy and accessible.

2. Dusting and Wiping

  • Dust all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and electronics.

  • Wipe down windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces for a streak-free shine.

  • Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans to eliminate built-up dust.

3. Deep Clean Floors

  • Vacuum carpets and rugs thoroughly, paying attention to corners and edges.

  • Sweep and mop hard floors, using appropriate cleaners for each surface type.

  • Consider professional carpet cleaning for a deeper refresh.

4. Kitchen Refresh

  • Clean appliances inside and out, including the refrigerator, oven, and microwave.

  • Wipe down countertops, backsplashes, and cabinet exteriors.

  • Empty and clean pantry shelves, checking for expired items.

5. Bathroom Revamp

  • Scrub bathtub, shower, and toilet surfaces with disinfectant cleaners.

  • Clean bathroom tiles and grout to remove any buildup.

  • Replace shower curtains or liners if needed for a fresh look.

6. Outdoor Maintenance

  • Sweep and clean outdoor spaces like patios, decks, and porches.

  • Trim bushes, trees, and hedges to maintain a neat appearance.

  • Power wash exterior siding and windows for a clean facade.

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