Free Spring Cleaning Decluttering Checklist Template



Free Spring Cleaning Decluttering Checklist Template

Declutter for Spring Cleaning

This checklist was meticulously prepared by [Your Name] to ensure a systematic and efficient approach toward achieving a revitalized and organized home. Remember, the order is entirely up to you. Adjust the checklist according to your needs and schedule.





Living Room

Sort through magazines and newspapers

Dispose of old issues and recycle.

Clear out old DVDs and CDs

Donate or sell items no longer in use.

Declutter coffee table

Remove unnecessary items and organize surfaces.


Purge expired food items

Check the pantry, fridge, and freezer.

Donate unused kitchen gadgets

Eliminate duplicates or items not used regularly.

Clear out the utensil drawer

Discard broken or unused utensils.

Organize Tupperware cabinet

Match lids with containers and recycle unmatched items.


Sort through clothing

Donate or sell items no longer worn.

Declutter bedside tables

Remove items that don't belong or are not needed.

Clear out under the bed

Vacuum and organize storage containers.

Donate or recycle old books

Keep only favorites and ones you'll reread.


Dispose of expired toiletries

Check dates on products and recycle them.

Declutter bathroom counters

Store items in drawers or cabinets.

Organize medicine cabinet

Dispose of expired medications and organize items.

Clear out old towels

Donate or repurpose worn towels.

Home Office/Study

Sort through paperwork

File important documents and recycle unnecessary papers.

Declutter desk drawers

Organize supplies and discard unneeded items.

Clean out electronic cables

Label and organize cords and cables.

Donate or recycle old electronics

Dispose of outdated or unused gadgets.


Clean out the coat closet

Donate coats and outerwear not worn.

Declutter shoe rack

Keep only shoes worn regularly and donate the rest.

Sort through toys and games

Donate or recycle toys no longer played with.

Clear out garage or storage space

Dispose of broken items and organize storage bins.

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