Free Account Reconciliation Checklist Template



Free Account Reconciliation Checklist Template

Account Reconciliation Checklist

This checklist is designed to assist in the thorough and accurate reconciliation of accounts. It outlines essential steps and considerations to ensure all transactions are correctly recorded and the account balances are accurate. Follow each section methodically for effective account reconciliation.


  • Ensure you have all relevant bank statements, credit card statements, and financial ledgers.

  • Verify access to your accounting system or software where transactions are recorded.

  • Obtain all necessary documents such as receipts, invoices, and payment vouchers.

Recording Transactions

  • Check all recent transactions for accuracy in the accounting system.

  • Enter any unrecorded transactions found in bank or credit card statements.

  • Ensure the dates of transactions in the accounting system match those on the statements.

Reconciling Balances

  • Compare the ending balance on your statement with the balance in your accounting system.

  • Note any differences between the statement and the accounting records.

  • Look into each discrepancy to find the cause and make necessary adjustments.

Adjustments and Corrections

  • Correct any errors found during reconciliation in the accounting system.

  • Keep a record of why and how adjustments were made for future reference.

  • Ensure that the balances align after making adjustments.

Final Review and Approval

  • Double-check all reconciled accounts for completeness and accuracy.

  • Have a supervisor or a senior accountant review and approve the reconciled accounts.

  • Securely file all relevant documents and reconciliation reports for auditing purposes.

Additional Notes

The accurate completion of this Account Reconciliation Checklist should provide confidence in the accuracy of your company's financial records. User discretion is advised in case other steps or measures are deemed necessary.

Prepared by: [Your Name]

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