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Offboarding Checklist HR

Offboarding Checklist

Employee Information:

Employee Name

[Your Name]


[IT Department]


[Data Analyst]

Departure Date

[Month Day, Year]

Notification and Preparation:

  • Notify HR and the employee's manager of the departure.

  • Schedule an offboarding meeting with the departing employee.

Collect Company Property:

  • Retrieve all company-owned equipment (laptops, mobile devices, etc.).

  • Collect ID badges, keys, access cards, and any other physical assets.

  • Document the condition of returned items.

Access and IT:

  • Disable access to company systems, email accounts, and premises.

  • Notify IT and relevant departments to revoke access.

  • Ensure the safe transfer of files and documents managed by the departing employee.

Knowledge Transfer:

  • Ensure the departing employee documents ongoing projects, tasks, and responsibilities.

  • Arrange knowledge transfer sessions with team members.

  • Identify key contacts for ongoing support.

Exit Interviews:

  • Conduct an exit interview to gather feedback on the employee's experience.

  • Use feedback to improve company policies and processes.

Benefits and Payroll:

  • Review and explain outstanding benefits (e.g., unused vacation days).

  • Confirm the final paycheck, including any owed bonuses or commissions.

  • Provide information on benefit continuation options (if applicable).

Legal and Compliance:

  • Review and sign any necessary legal documents (e.g., non-disclosure agreements, non-competes).

  • Ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Software Subscriptions and Accounts:

  • Cancel software subscriptions or accounts associated with the departing employee's role.

  • Transfer ownership of critical accounts and documents.

Contact Information:

  • Update internal contact lists to reflect the employee's departure.

  • Verify the departing employee's contact information for future reference.


  • Offer to provide a reference letter or serve as a reference for the departing employee.

  • Provide information on how HR or a designated person can be contacted for future reference inquiries.

Personal Belongings:

  • Arrange for the return of any personal belongings kept at the workplace.

  • Ensure a respectful process for the departing employee.

Exit Surveys:

  • Encourage the departing employee to complete an anonymous exit survey.


  • Organize a farewell gathering or event, either in person or virtually, to celebrate the employee's contributions.


  • Keep a detailed record of all offboarding steps, including dates and signatures.

  • Store these records in a secure location for future reference.

Process Improvement:

  • Use insights from the offboarding process to improve your organization's procedures.

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