Free Operations Employee Exit Checklist Template



Free Operations Employee Exit Checklist Template

Operations Employee Exit Checklist

This Operations Employee Exit Checklist guides you through the comprehensive steps to ensure a seamless transition when an employee leaves [Your Company Name]. Follow meticulously to secure assets and maintain operational continuity.

1. Initial Procedures

  • Receive resignation/termination letter

  • Communicate employee's departure to related departments

  • Calculate remaining workdays and designate last working day

  • Arrange a final meeting with the employee

  • Inform the employee about the exit process

2. Handover of Duties

  • Create a detailed work transition plan

  • Assign new person to take over duties

  • Monitor the handover session between the outgoing and incoming employee

  • Ensure all incomplete tasks are assigned and understood

  • Collect all hard and soft copies of work-related documents

3. Legal and Policy Compliance

  • Clarify company's non-disclosure and non-compete agreements

  • Discuss final paycheck, benefits, and dues

  • Ensure return or completion of all legal and contractual responsibilities

  • Discuss continuation of health or other benefits if applicable

  • Complete any necessary paperwork

4. Asset Collection

  • Recollect company ID, access cards, and keys

  • Retrieve all company-owned devices or equipment

  • Cancel any company-paid subscriptions or services under the employee's name

  • Remove employee's access to company network and software

  • Update company's asset inventory

5. Post-Exit Procedures

  • Conduct an exit interview

  • Address any final concerns or questions of the employee

  • Secure a forwarding address for future correspondences

  • Complete final documentation of the employee's exit

  • Officially remove the employee’s name from company records and systems

Prepared By: [Your Name]

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