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Marketing PR Task Checklist

Marketing PR Task Checklist 

Project: [Campaign Name]
Start Date: [Insert Date]
End Date: [Insert Date]

Task List:

 Define PR Campaign Objectives and Goals

  • Identify target audience

  • Set measurable objectives

  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs)

 Research and Audience Analysis

  • Conduct audience segmentation

  • Analyze audience demographics

  • Understand audience preferences

Message Development

  • Craft key messages

  • Create compelling narratives

  • Align messages with brand values


Media List Building

  • Identify relevant media outlets

  • Compile media contact information

  • Categorize media contacts (e.g., print, online, broadcast)

Content Creation

  • Write press releases

  • Develop blog posts and articles

  • Create visual assets (images, infographics)

Media Pitching

  • Send press releases to media contacts

  • Follow up with media contacts

  • Coordinate media interviews

Social Media Strategy

  • Plan social media content

  • Schedule posts and updates

  • Monitor social media engagement

Event Planning (if applicable)

  • Organize press conferences or launches

  • Arrange media invitations

  • Prepare event materials

Measurement and Analysis

  • Track media coverage

  • Analyze PR campaign results

  • Report on KPIs and objectives

Task Status:

  • Not Started

  • In Progress

  • Completed

  • On Hold

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