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Administration Confidential Document Handling Checklist

Administration Confidential Document Handling Checklist

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Classify each document according to its sensitivity level: Public, Internal Use Only, Confidential and Highly Confidential.

Clearly label documents with appropriate classification markings.

Store physical copies of confidential documents in locked cabinets or safes.

Ensure access to storage areas is restricted to authorized personnel only.

Encrypt electronic copies of confidential documents and store them on secure servers.

Implement access controls, such as passwords or biometric authentication, for electronic document storage.

Use secure channels for transmitting confidential documents, such as encrypted email or secure file transfer protocols.

Verify the identity of recipients before transmitting confidential information.

Avoid sending confidential documents to unsecured or public email addresses.

Regularly audit the handling of confidential documents to ensure compliance with organizational policies.

Investigate any breaches or incidents involving confidential information and take appropriate corrective actions.


This checklist has been reviewed and approved by:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

[Month Day, Year]

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