Proofreading Checklist Content Writer Brief

Proofreading Checklist Content Writer Brief

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME] for [YOUR COMPANY NAME]


This document outlines the standards, principles and procedures expected for all content writers at. With the aim to maintain brand consistency across all content, diversity in tone, style, and voice is appreciated but should align with the company’s identity. Our main objective is to produce high-quality content that is engaging, valuable, and reader friendly.

Understanding our Brand

To write efficiently for our company, understanding our brand's values, mission, and unique selling proposition is essential. Here are the key points to know about our brand:

Who We Are: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] pioneers cutting-edge technology solutions, specializing in AI applications and robotics to redefine innovation.

What We Do: We develop advanced AI systems and robotics for businesses, driving efficiency and revolutionizing industries.

Who We Serve: Catering to diverse sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and logistics, we empower forward-looking enterprises with our tech solutions.

Mission and Vision:

Mission: Drive global tech evolution, making innovation accessible to businesses. Vision: Be the catalyst for positive transformation through innovative, ethical, and sustainable tech solutions.

USP: Our commitment lies in shaping the future, not just keeping up with it. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] stands out by architecting progress and redefining possibilities with our AI and robotics solutions.

Culture and Values: Rooted in collaboration, curiosity, and continuous learning, our culture fosters diversity and encourages pushing boundaries. Integrity, excellence, and social responsibility guide our work for a positive impact.

Writing Style

Our writers should aim for clarity, conciseness, and engagement by following these brief guidelines:

  1. Sentence and Paragraphs:

    • Keep it concise with short sentences and paragraphs.

  2. Voice:

    • Prioritize active voice for direct and engaging content.

  3. Jargon-Free:

    • Avoid industry jargon to ensure accessibility.

  4. Subheadings:

    • Use subheadings for content organization and reader-friendly navigation.

  5. Logical Flow:

    • Maintain a logical flow for seamless information absorption.

  6. Grammatical Accuracy:

    • Ensure grammatical soundness and error-free content.

Tone of Voice

At our company, our tone of voice is a key element that reflects our personality and attitude. To maintain authenticity, keep these pointers in mind:

  1. Informal, yet Professional:

    • Embrace an informal tone while ensuring professionalism in communication.

    • Strive for a friendly and approachable style that resonates with our audience.

  2. Friendly and Conversational:

    • Foster a conversational tone to connect with the reader on a personal level.

    • Encourage open and genuine communication in all interactions.

  3. Incorporate Humor Appropriately:

    • Feel free to inject humor when suitable, but always be mindful of appropriateness.

    • Humor should enhance, not overshadow, the main message.

  4. Empower with Useful Information:

    • Provide valuable and empowering information that benefits the reader.

    • Focus on delivering content that is not only informative but also actionable.

Format Guidelines

Effective formatting is crucial for creating reader-friendly and engaging content. Here are some rules to follow:

  1. Headlines:

    • Craft attention-grabbing headlines that accurately reflect the subject matter.

    • Ensure headlines are clear, concise, and pique the reader's interest.

  2. Subheadings:

    • Use descriptive subheadings to break up the content.

    • Facilitate easy navigation and comprehension for the reader.

  3. Bullet Points:

    • Utilize bullet points to list points, features, benefits, etc.

    • Enhance readability by presenting information in a structured format.

  4. Images:

    • Incorporate high-quality, relevant images that complement the content.

    • Always provide captions to add context and enhance understanding.

  5. CTA’s (Call-to-Actions):

    • Be clear and concise with CTAs, indicating the desired action from the reader.

    • Guide the reader on the next steps to take, fostering engagement.

Content Approval Process

Our content approval process is designed to ensure a consistently high standard and voice across all platforms. The process involves the following stages:

  1. Initial Review by Senior Writer/Editor:

    • The senior writer or editor conducts an initial review of the content.

    • Focus on content quality, adherence to guidelines, and overall alignment with our brand voice.

  2. Editing/Proofreading Process:

    • The content undergoes a thorough editing and proofreading process.

    • Addressing grammatical errors, style consistency, and ensuring clarity and coherence.

  3. Final Approval by Content Manager:

    • The content is submitted for final approval to the content manager.

    • The content manager evaluates it against brand standards, strategic goals, and overall quality benchmarks.

  4. Publishing/Scheduling:

    • Once approved, the content is ready for publishing or scheduling.

    • Ensure that the content is aligned with the editorial calendar and strategic objectives.


This guide is your tool for crafting quality content at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Follow it to produce enjoyable, purpose-aligned content that resonates with our audience.

Key Points:

  1. Clarity and Enjoyability:

    • Ensure clear and enjoyable content.

  2. Alignment with Company Purpose:

    • Keep our company's purpose in focus.

  3. Resonance with Target Audience:

    • Tailor content to connect with our audience.

Guide Utilization:

  1. Follow Formatting Guidelines:

    • Adhere to provided formatting for clear content.

  2. Incorporate Tone of Voice:

    • Embrace our friendly, informal tone.

  3. Content Approval Process:

    • Follow the approval process for smooth workflows.

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