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Health & Safety Legal Compliance Checklist

Health & Safety Legal Compliance Checklist

This checklist is designed to assist in conducting a thorough review of your company's health and safety compliance. Ensure that each item is checked off only after verifying that your company adheres to the respective safety standard or legal requirement.

Compliance Areas

Workplace Safety Regulations

  • Fire safety equipment is inspected and maintained regularly

  • Adequate first aid supplies are available and accessible

  • Emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed

  • Compliance with local fire regulations (Last Inspection Date: [MM-DD-YYYY])

Employee Training & Awareness

  • Regular safety training sessions conducted (Last Training

    Date: [MM-DD-YYYY])

  •  Employees aware of safety protocols and emergency procedures

  •  Documentation of employee training sessions kept

Equipment and Machinery Safety

  • Regular maintenance of machinery (Last Maintenance

    Date: [MM-DD-YYYY])

  •  Safety guards in place on all applicable equipment

  •  Operators trained in safe machinery usage

Health & Hygiene

  • Adequate sanitation facilities are available

  •  Regular cleaning schedule maintained

  •  Provision of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Hazardous Materials

  • Proper storage of hazardous materials

  •  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all chemicals

  •  Regular training on handling hazardous materials

Record Keeping & Reporting

  • Accident/incident log book is maintained and up to date

  • Compliance with reporting requirements for accidents

  • Regular safety audits conducted (Last Audit Date: [MM-DD-YYYY])

Legal Compliance

  • Regular reviews of health and safety policies

    (Last Review Date: [MM-DD-YYYY])

  •  Compliance with all local and national health and safety laws

  •  Documentation of compliance measures and audits

Review and Sign-Off

Completed by: [Your Name]

Position: [Job Title]

Signature: ______________________

Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

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