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Real Estate Property Management Audit Checklist

Real Estate Property Management Audit Checklist

Use this checklist to conduct a thorough audit of property management practices. Tick off each box as you review the items to ensure a thorough assessment and compliance with industry standards.

Operational Procedures

  • Maintenance procedures for common areas and individual units

  • Emergency response protocols and communication plans

  • Lease agreement enforcement and rent collection processes

  • Tenant screening and leasing procedures

  • Dispute resolution and conflict management strategies

Financial Management

  • Budgeting and financial forecasting practices

  • Rent pricing strategies and market analysis techniques

  • Expense tracking and cost management procedures

  • Utility billing and payment reconciliation processes

  • Financial reporting and documentation accuracy

Property Maintenance

  • Regular property inspections and maintenance schedules

  • Vendor management and contract oversight

  • Preventive maintenance programs for building systems

  • Compliance with building codes and regulations

  • Safety and security measures for residents and staff

Tenant Relations

  • Communication channels for addressing tenant inquiries and concerns

  • Tenant retention strategies and community engagement initiatives

  • Handling of lease violations and eviction procedures

  • Resolution of tenant complaints and grievances

  • Accessibility and responsiveness of property management staff

Legal Compliance

  • Knowledge of landlord-tenant laws and regulations

  • Documentation of lease agreements and tenant communications

  • Compliance with fair housing laws and anti-discrimination policies

  • Licensing and certification requirements for property managers

  • Risk management strategies and insurance coverage assessment

Prepared By:

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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