Free Nursing Home Monthly Checklist Template


Free Nursing Home Monthly Checklist Template

Nursing Home Monthly Checklist

This checklist is intended to guide the staff and management of [Your Company Name] through a comprehensive monthly review of the facility’s operations, care delivery, and environment. It aims to ensure continuous improvement, compliance, and excellence in resident care.

Facility Maintenance and Safety


Responsible Person

Completed (✓)

Check and test fire alarms and emergency lighting


Inspect and maintain HVAC systems

Perform pest control inspection and treatment

Review and restock emergency preparedness kits

Conduct safety audits of all resident areas

Verify that all exit doors are functional and unobstructed

Resident Care and Services


Responsible Person

Completed (✓)

Review and update individual care plans


Audit medication management practices

Evaluate resident satisfaction through surveys or meetings

Assess the nutritional quality and variety of meals

Update training needs and schedule for care staff

Administrative and Compliance


Responsible Person

Completed (✓)

Review and reconcile resident billing and payments


Ensure all staff certifications and licenses are up to date

Conduct a review of all policies and procedures

Prepare and submit any required compliance or regulatory reports

Audit resident personal files for completeness and privacy compliance

Community Engagement and Well-being


Responsible Person

Completed (✓)

Plan and schedule upcoming month’s activities and events


Review the effectiveness of the previous month's activities

Assess resident engagement and participation levels

Organize family and community engagement events

Evaluate volunteer program and partnership opportunities

Instructions for Completion:

  • Assign a responsible person for each task and ensure they understand their responsibilities.

  • Upon completion of each task, mark the "Completed (✓)" column.

  • Review the completed checklist at the end of each month with the management team to discuss findings, address any issues, and plan for necessary actions.

  • Maintain a record of each monthly checklist as part of the facility’s ongoing quality assurance processes.

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