Free Nursing Home Attendance Checklist Template


Free Nursing Home Attendance Checklist Template

Nursing Home Attendance Checklist

This Nursing Home Attendance Checklist, utilized by [Your Company Name], is structured to ensure a meticulous and comprehensive approach to the daily monitoring and management of our residents' care. By keeping a detailed record, we aim to uphold the highest standards of personalized care, maintain optimal health conditions, and ensure the well-being and satisfaction of all residents through their active participation in various activities. This tool also facilitates the organization and safety of resident visitations.

Instructions for Use:

  1. Completion: Staff members are required to complete this checklist daily for each resident, ensuring thorough monitoring and immediate responsiveness to their needs.

  2. Accuracy and Action: Fill in each section accurately. Immediate action should be taken for any concerns, with necessary notifications to supervisors or relevant departments.

  3. Confidentiality and Review: Information must be kept confidential and reviewed daily by supervisors to address any issues and ensure continuous care quality.

  4. Documentation: All entries should be dated, with the staff member’s initials, to ensure accountability and facilitate follow-ups.


Resident's Information Verification



Verify resident's name

Johnathan Wilkins

Verify resident's room number

Room 101

Confirm resident's bed number

Bed A

Check ID bracelet with medical record

ID #123456, Matches Record

Confirm specialist recommendations/advice

Follow low-sodium diet, Increase physical therapy sessions

Health Check



Check resident's temperature


Review medication list

Completed, No changes

Monitor pain level

Reported 2/10

Check oxygen level

96% Saturation

Monitor hydration status

Adequately hydrated, Encouraged extra glass of water at lunch

Mealtime Attendance



Confirm breakfast attendance

Attended, Ate 75% of meal

Confirm lunch attendance

Attended, Ate 50% of meal

Confirm dinner attendance

Attended, Ate 100% of meal

Monitor food intake during meals

Prefers softer foods, Disliked broccoli

Note any dietary restrictions

Diabetic diet, Avoids sugar

Activity Participation



Confirm attendance in morning activity

Attended chair yoga

Register attendance in afternoon activity

Missed painting class due to nap

Monitor engagement in activities

Highly enjoyed yoga, Shows interest in music-related activities

Register satisfaction levels with activities

Very satisfied with yoga, Wants more music activities

Note personal preferences and interests in activities

Loves classical music, Enjoys low-impact exercise

Visitor's Log



Note visitor's name

Note visitor's relation to the resident

Record visiting date and time

Check visitor's health status

Passed screening, No symptoms

Log visitor's contact info

This Attendance Checklist is integral to our proactive and resident-centered care approach at [Your Company Name]. It ensures all staff are fully informed of each resident’s daily health status, nutritional intake, activity participation, and visitor interactions, promoting a high quality of life within our community.

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