GDPR Compliance Checklist

GDPR Compliance Checklist

I. Compliance Overview

Organizations can use this checklist to assess the GDPR compliance status of third-party vendors and partners with whom they share personal data, ensuring they adhere to the required standards.

Responsible Party: [YOUR NAME] [YOUR DEPARTMENT]

Date of Last Review: [DATE]

Next Scheduled Review: [DATE]

II. Vendor Assessment

  • Identify all third-party vendors and partners that handle personal data.

  • Review contracts and agreements with vendors to ensure GDPR compliance clauses are included.

  • Assess the necessity and proportionality of sharing personal data with each vendor.

III. Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

  • Ensure that a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is in place with each vendor.

  • Verify that the DPA includes clauses required by GDPR Article 28.

  • Confirm that the DPA outlines the responsibilities of both parties regarding data protection.

IV. Data Security Measures

  • Evaluate the security measures implemented by vendors to protect personal data.

  • Verify encryption methods, access controls, and data breach response procedures.

  • Assess the physical and logical security of data storage facilities and systems.

V. Data Transfer Safeguards

  • Determine if vendors transfer personal data internationally and assess the safeguards in place.

  • Verify that vendors adhere to GDPR requirements for transferring data outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

  • Review mechanisms such as Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) or Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) used for data transfers.

VI. Data Subject Rights

  • Confirm that vendors have processes in place to fulfill data subject rights requests.

  • Ensure that vendors can respond within the GDPR-mandated timelines for handling data subject requests.

  • Review procedures for handling data subjects' rights such as access, rectification, erasure, and portability.

VII. Data Breach Notification

  • Verify that vendors have procedures to detect, report, and investigate data breaches.

  • Confirm that vendors can notify the organization of any data breaches within the GDPR-required timeframe.

  • Review the incident response plan and escalation procedures in case of a data breach.

VIII. Data Minimization and Retention

  • Ensure vendors only collect and process personal data necessary for the agreed-upon purposes.

  • Verify that vendors have policies in place to delete or anonymize personal data when no longer needed.

  • Review data retention periods specified in contracts and ensure compliance with GDPR requirements.

IX. Subprocessing Controls

  • Assess vendors' practices for engaging subprocessors and ensure GDPR compliance.

  • Verify that vendors obtain prior authorization from the organization before engaging subprocessors.

  • Review subprocessor agreements to ensure they contain GDPR-compliant clauses and obligations.

X. Privacy by Design and Default

  • Evaluate vendors' adherence to privacy by design and default principles.

  • Confirm that vendors consider data protection and privacy throughout the development and implementation of products or services.

  • Review documentation such as Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) conducted by vendors.

XI. Training and Awareness

  • Ensure vendors provide training to employees on GDPR requirements and data protection best practices.

  • Verify that vendors maintain records of employee training and awareness activities.

  • Review vendor communications and materials to assess their commitment to GDPR compliance.

XII. Auditing and Monitoring

  • Establish mechanisms for auditing and monitoring vendor compliance with GDPR requirements.

  • Conduct regular assessments or audits of vendor practices and controls.

  • Review audit reports and take corrective actions as necessary to address identified issues.

XIII. Completion and Sign-off

By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I have reviewed and completed the GDPR compliance checklist for vendor management.


Date: [DATE]

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