OFCCP Compliance Checklist

OFCCP Compliance Checklist

I. Purpose

This OFCCP Compliance Checklist aims to assist [YOUR DEPARTMENT] in properly conducting internal audits that assess the current compliance status, ensuring all OFCCP standards and regulations are upheld within [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

II. Compliance Checklist

Checklist Item



1. Did [YOUR DEPARTMENT] already establish and confirm audit objectives, scope, and criteria?

2. Were all necessary personnel identified who are involved in the areas to be audited?

3. Was there a preparation of an audit plan and distribution to parties concerned?

4. Was there an audit meeting conducted before the audit process?

5. Were all audit areas thoroughly checked and evaluated?

6. Have any non-compliances been identified and recorded during the audit process?

7. Was a follow-up audit review conducted to confirm implementation of corrective actions?

8. Was a detailed audit report created that specifies any measures taken, issues discovered, and any potential risk areas?

III. Signature and Approval

Auditor's Name: [Your Name]

Date of Audit: [Date]

Approval by: [Approver's Name]

By signing and approving this checklist, the auditor and approver are confirming that all necessary steps were carried out thoroughly and properly, and that every item on this checklist has been complied with.

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