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Law Firm Client Intake Checklist

Law Firm Client Intake Checklist

The client intake process at [Your Company Name] is a crucial first step in establishing a successful attorney-client relationship. This checklist ensures that all necessary information is collected systematically and efficiently, enabling our team to provide the best possible legal advice and service from the outset.

Initial Contact

Checklist Item

Completed (Y/N)


Record the client's full name

  • Yes

  • No

Obtain contact information (phone, email, address)

  • Yes

  • No

Determine the urgency of the legal matter

  • Yes

  • No

Schedule initial consultation

  • Yes

  • No

Pre-Consultation Preparation

Checklist Item

Completed (Y/N)


Send confirmation email with appointment details

  • Yes

  • No

Prepare client intake form specific to the case type

  • Yes

  • No

Gather preliminary information on the legal matter

  • Yes

  • No

Draft an initial list of consultation questions

  • Yes

  • No

Initial Consultation

Checklist Item

Completed (Y/N)


Review and complete the intake form with the client

  • Yes

  • No

Discuss legal options and strategies

  • Yes

  • No

Check for any conflicts of interest

  • Yes

  • No

Finalize the scope of representation

  • Yes

  • No


Checklist Item

Completed (Y/N)


Send a follow-up email summarizing the consultation

  • Yes

  • No

Obtain a signed retainer agreement (if applicable)

  • Yes

  • No

Open a new client file and input it into the management system

  • Yes

  • No

Schedule the next steps and important deadlines

  • Yes

  • No


  • Documentation: It's essential to document all interactions thoroughly in the client's file.

  • Privacy: Handle all personal information in accordance with privacy laws and firm confidentiality policies.

  • Communication: Maintain clear and consistent communication throughout the intake process to build trust and ensure client clarity on their legal matters.

This checklist provides a structured approach to new client intake at [Your Company Name], facilitating a thorough and professional client management process.

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